
НазваниеЖурналВид материалаАвторыГод издания
The fight against corruption in China Materials of the International Conference Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration Доклады Ембулаев В.Н.
The Econometric Model of the Social and Economic Regional Development Impact on Demographic Processes Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 79 Доклады Мазелис Л.С.
Красова Е.В.
Емцева Е.Д.
Territorial Differentiation in Modeling of Life Quality Impact on the Demographic Dynamics in Regions AEBMR-Advances in Economics Business and Management Research Доклады Мазелис А.Л.
Красова Е.В.
Residual stresses in blood vessel wall during atherosclerosis AIP Conference Proceedings 2116, 380013 (2019), INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (ICNAAM 2018) Доклады Дац Е.П.
Multi-Period Model of Investment Distribution in the Development of Regional Human Capital 29th EBES CONFERENCE - LISBON October 10-12, 2019 / LISBON, PORTUGAL Доклады Мазелис Л.С.
Modified Fuzzy Model for Selecting Stakeholder Engagement Strategies of the Company Using Generalized Criterion IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science Доклады Солодухин К.С.
Improving Population’s Quality of Life and Regional Development Статьи Солодухин К.С.
Мазелис Л.С.
Fuzzy Strategic Decision-Making Models Based On Formalized Strategy Maps AEBMR-Advances in Economics Business and Management Research Доклады Солодухин К.С.
Fuzzy multiperiod model of choosing strategies for the organization interaction with stakeholder groups in the stakeholder network with multiple «power centers» International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering Статьи Чен А.Я.
Солодухин К.С.
Гресько А.А.
Filtration combustion inside a porous cylindrical pipe with axial gas flow Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 012056 (1404), 2019. XVI All-Russian Seminar with international participation "Dynamics of Multiphase Media" Доклады Дац Е.П.
Devising a fuzzy stakeholder model for optimizing the portfolio of projects at a fishing industrial enterprise taking risks into account EasternEuropean Journal of Enterprise Technologies Статьи Солодухин К.С.
Мазелис Л.С.
Development of a Fuzzy Dynamic Model for the Formation of the Optimal Allocation of Financial Resources for the Maximum Development of Regional Human Capital конференция "Новый шелковый путь: деловое сотрудничество и перспективы экономического развития - 2019" Доклады Мазелис Л.С.
Красько А.А.
Красова Е.В.
Big data analytics of inpatients flow with diabetes mellitus type 1 : Rrrevealing new awareness with advanced visualization of medical information system data Proceedings of the 9th International Conference On Cloud Computing, Data Science and Engineering, Confluence 2019 Доклады Мазелис Л.С.
Мазелис А.Л.
API-социология и глобальное сообщество Google: живая система социальной трансформации. Статьи Мазелис Л.С.
API-Sociology and Google Global society: confluence of factors for political and economic awareness The IEEE 12th International Conference Application of Information and Communication Technologies Доклады Мазелис Л.С.
Мазелис А.Л.